Journalist rushes to the defense of the Church (Yes you read that correctly)

The relationship between the British press and the Church can be a fickle one to say the least. It cannot be said that the press ignore matters of Christian faith or the institutions behind it. This is of great value in the mission of the Gospel. It means that the Church's voice is heard in national debates about moral, spiritual and political issues. However, there is also a tendency to take a swipe at the Church whenever the opportunity presents itself. Very seldom, if ever, does the quiet but effective work of the Church make the front page. Rather it is a controversial pronouncement or an entertaining mishap offered up by the clergy that grab's the spotlight.
That is why I was very pleased to come across Mary Ann Sieghart's editorial piece in The Independent this week extolling the virtues of Christian life in the UK and the instution that seeks to sustain it. Take a read.
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